We keep you informed so you can take action.

Signing of 2 landmark tree laws in 2013.
Conservation Montgomery was founded on the belief that local environmental groups should work together toward common goals to preserve natural resources in our county. We're proud of our Advocacy team members, composed of some of the most respected community activists in the area. We cover the Up County and the Down County by partnering with other organizations to monitor issues. We track the issues so when it's time for you to speak up and contact local legislators, we have your back. We let you know when a letter, note or phone call to express your views can lead to better environmental legislation. Members of the team have testified countless times before the Montgomery County Council, the Planning Board and the Maryland State Legislature.
How it works:
We work with nonprofit partners throughout the County to track environmental issues you care about.
When a decision comes before the County Council or State Legislature, or is in the hands of the Executive Branch of our county government, we let you know when it's time to write a note or make a phone call to leaders.
We publish "Action Alerts" to make it easy for you to reach out to county entities.
We testify before the County Council, Planning Board and State Legislature.
We write letters and testimony for the public record.

Meeting during the effort to save Ten Mile Creek in 2014. Working with others, our team helped create solutions to tree canopy loss and curtailing development that would have damaged one of the last best watersheds in the county.

Representatives from more than 15 county environmental and civic groups meeting with County Executive Marc Elrich and the Director of the County Department of Environmental Protection.
The Team
Conservation Montgomery's Advocacy Team is a group of some of the most well-informed and respected community activists in the county. They monitor issues so you can relax until it's time to contact your elected officials.

Ginny Barnes
Amanda Farber
Lauren Brown
John Parrish